Our approach
We have a pool of private capital to invest and a track record of purchasing the freehold interest in land to allow property owners to achieve an expeditious sale. Whether they be brownfield, private residential or greenfield sites, we are happy to consider straightforward acquisitions of various sites across the country. Our management team continue to run a Housing Developer in the Midlands and so we also acquire sites to develop directly.
In a promotion agreement, Strategic Development Land will enter into an agreement with the landowner and promote the land through the planning process. We can pay all the costs of a first-rate professional team and commit time to design a high quality development scheme to optimise the outcome of a planning application. On receipt of planning approval, we then work alongside the landowners to agree a sale strategy.
We have extensive experience in creating well designed master plans, intelligent infrastructure design and cost effective engineering solutions to help optimise the value of land. We also utilise the skills and expertise of a group of longstanding consultants who work with us many schemes.
An Option Agreement is often our preferred route when structuring a legal agreement with a Land Owner as we find it to be the most transparent and straightforward method of agreement.
Under an Option Agreement, a land owner typically gives us the right to buy the land, either at a fixed price or by reference to a formula (such as a percentage of market value). We then take on various obligations and costs associated with achieving a planning permission before choosing to exercise our right to buy the land.
Where a landowner or developer wants to have more involvement in the promotion and planning elements of land development a joint venture can be a successful arrangement.
Here, Strategic Development Land would partner with other parties and pool resources to promote a new development scheme. In a joint venture, each of the participants are responsible for an element of the costs, workload and resulting profits. The venture is its own entity, separate and apart from each of the participants' other business interests.